Amniocentesis Test in Pune

Amniocentesis Test’s Doctor in Pune


Amniocentesis Test In Pune: An Important Diagnostic Procedure

In the field of prenatal care and diagnostic testing, amniocentesis is a vital procedure that provides important insight into fetal health. Amniocentesis Test in Pune, has proven to be a cornerstone in evaluating various genetic abnormalities and helping expectant parents make informed decisions regarding their pregnancy.

What is Amniocentesis?

Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnostic procedure that analyses the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the womb. This test involves removing a small amount of amniotic fluid to evaluate the fetus’s genetic health, chromosomal abnormalities, and possible developmental problems.

What Does An Amniocentesis Test For?

The Amniocentesis Test in Pune test is primarily used to detect chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Additionally, it can help detect genetic disorders, assess lung maturity in cases of premature birth, and even determine the sex of the fetus if desired.

Amniocentesis Function

The fundamental role of amniocentesis is to provide expectant parents and medical professionals with comprehensive information about the health and development of the fetus. It serves as a powerful tool for early detection, allowing for timely medical intervention and helping parents prepare to care for children with special needs.

Amniocentesis Procedure


Before the Amniocentesis Test, a detailed discussion will occur between your healthcare provider and parent outlining the risks, benefits, and possible outcomes of the test. Consent will be obtained, and any concerns or questions will be addressed.

Ultrasonography Description:

An ultrasound is performed to determine the position of the fetus and the best place to collect amniotic fluid. This helps prevent potential harm to both the fetus and the mother.

Sterilisation and needle insertion:

Clean and sterilise the mother’s abdomen. A thin needle is then carefully inserted through the abdominal wall and into the amniotic membrane to collect a small sample of amniotic fluid.

Body fluid extraction:

A small amount of amniotic fluid (approximately 20 milliliters) is collected for analysis. This process usually takes only a few minutes.

Post-procedure monitoring:

After the test, the mother may be advised to take a short rest to ensure that no complications occur. It is normal to experience mild cramping and discomfort after the procedure.

Pain and Discomfort

The degree of discomfort varies from person to person, but most women report mild pressure or cramping during the exam. Symptoms are usually short-lived and tolerable. Healthcare providers take steps to minimise possible pain by using a local anaesthetic before inserting the needle.


the Amniocentesis test in Pune is a valuable diagnostic tool that provides pregnant parents with important information about the health and well-being of their unborn child. The role of identifying potential problems early helps us make informed decisions and prepare the best possible care for our babies, giving them a healthier start to their precious