Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) in Pune

Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) in Pune: An Overview

Chorionic Villous Sampling, also called CVS testing, is a type of invasive test/procedure done during pregnancy to detect if the fetus has certain health conditions like chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic problems.

What Happens During Chorionic Villous Sampling?

During this prenatal test, a small sample of cells is taken from the placenta, the organ that is responsible for delivering nourishment to the fetus and sent to the lab for genetic analysis. The cells taken for the sample are called chorionic villi and have the same genetic material as the baby (on most of the occasions). The results of the test can determine if your baby has certain chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders.

CVS is usually done between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. Like amniocentesis (another type of invasive prenatal test), CVS cannot determine if the fetus has any structural abnormalities. Your fetal medicine specialist will talk to you about your risk and recommend if you should undergo them or not.

How Is CVS Performed?

There are two types of CVS procedures:

  • Transabdominal – A needle is inserted through the abdomen and into the placenta to obtain the tissue.
  • Transcervical – A thin tube is inserted through the cervix to collect the sample.

Who Needs CVS Testing?

Chorionic Villous Sampling is not a standard part of routine prenatal care. Your doctor may recommend this test if you have certain risk factors or some abnormalities are detected in early ultrasounds or genetic screening. Having the test can detect genetic conditions early in the pregnancy and help the parents make informed decisions.

Fetal Medicine Specialists will recommend CVS testing if you:

  • Have a family or personal history of genetic disorders
  • Have had previous pregnancies affected by genetic abnormalities
  • Have undergone prenatal screening tests with abnormal results

What Conditions or Disorders Does Chorionic Villous Sampling Identify?

Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) is a powerful tool for detecting various genetic conditions. CVS can help identify:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities:
    • Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)
    • Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
    • Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
    • Other chromosomal deletions or duplications
  2. Single-gene disorders

What To Expect After CVS?

After the procedure, you might experience mild cramping or spotting. It’s essential to follow your doctor’s advice regarding rest and activity. The results of the genetic testing usually take a few weeks.

Get Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) in Pune – Consult Dr Tejas Tamhane

CVS is a valuable tool for prenatal diagnosis. It gives expectant parents information about their baby’s health early in pregnancy. While it’s a significant decision, discussing the potential benefits and risks with a doctor can help you determine if CVS is right for you. Remember, every pregnancy is different. It’s crucial to consult with your fetal medicine for personalized advice and guidance.

Are you wondering if you should get prenatal tests like Chorionic Villous Sampling (CVS) done or have been advised to undergo CVS? Then don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr Tejas Tamhane, the best fetal medicine in Pune, at Precious Clinic for Advanced Fetal Medicine. With over 9 years of experience in the field, Dr Tejas is known for his expertise and hands-on experience in tests like CVS in Pune.