Intrauterine Blood Transfusion in Pune

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion Doctor in Pune

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion in Pune: An Overview

An intrauterine blood transfusion (IUT) is a prenatal procedure that delivers red blood cells directly to a fetus suffering from severe anaemia. This life-saving intervention can significantly improve the health and development of a baby before birth, allowing them to reach a stage where delivery is safer.

When Is Intrauterine Blood Transfusion Necessary?

Rh isoimmunisation is the commonest reason for fetal anemia. That means when mother has Rh negative blood group and developing fetus has Rh positive blood group, then the chances of developing fetal anemia from second pregnancy onwards increases. When foetal anaemia is identified, it poses a serious risk to the baby’s health, an intrauterine blood transfusion is recommended. Several factors can influence the decision to undergo an IUT, including:

  • Identification of Severe Fetal Anaemia: The severity of fetal anaemia, which is frequently assessed by ultrasound and blood tests, determines whether an IUT is required. If the baby’s health is jeopardised due to severe anaemia, immediate intervention is required.

  • Chance of Foetal Hydrops: If foetal anaemia is not treated, there is a high chance of foetal hydrops, a condition characterised by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the baby’s chest and abdomen. When there is a high risk of foetal hydrops, IUT is recommended.

  • Other Causes: Less frequent causes include certain genetic conditions affecting red blood cell production and infections.

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion Procedure

  • Diagnosis: Ultrasound Doppler and blood tests (foetal blood sampling) determine the presence and degree of fetal anaemia.
  • Preparation: Blood type compatibility and thorough infection screening are performed on the donor blood.
  • The Procedure: An ultrasound-guided needle is introduced into the mother’s belly and uterus to reach the umbilical vein or another foetal blood artery. The prepared donor’s red blood cells are subsequently transfused into the foetus.
  • Monitoring: After the surgery, the mother and foetus are monitored regularly

Benefits of Intrauterine Blood Transfusion

IUT offers a vital lifeline for fetuses with severe anaemia. The transfused red blood cells replenish the oxygen supply, improving the baby’s health and potentially allowing the pregnancy to continue until the lungs are mature enough for delivery. This can significantly reduce the risk of complications associated with premature birth.

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion in Pune – Reach Out to Dr Tejas Tamhane

Intrauterine blood transfusion is a remarkable feat of fetal medicine, offering a life-saving option for babies facing severe anaemia in the womb. By replenishing red blood cells, IUT allows fetuses to develop further and potentially reach a stage where delivery is safer and outcomes are improved.

If you’re an expectant parent looking for a qualified fetal medicine specialist who has experience in intrauterine blood transfusion in Pune, then do reach out to Dr Tejas Tamhane, the best fetal medicine expert in Pune. Consult with us today.