Ultrasound Services

Viability and Dating scan:
< 10 weeks

1′ Trimester – Nuchal Translucency scan (NT, NB, DV, TR) with risk assessment for fetal aneuploidies: 11-13+6 weeks

1′ Trimester Pre-eclampsia / Preterm Screening

Early anomaly scan: 16 – 18 weeks

Detailed Anomaly scan : 18 – 23 weeks

Advanced Fetal Echocardiography: 18 – 23 weeks

Fetal Neurosonogram

Growth scan with Multivessel Doppler study: 24 weeks onwards

3D/4D Sonography with fetal wellbeing scan: 26-34 weeks

Multivessel Doppler study for Fetal anaemia, IUGR

Cervical assessment

Scan for other indications (FGR, Alloimmunization, Fetal Infection)